Friday, April 9, 2010

Christian Dishonesty #1

I'm at home here, putting together PowerPoint slides for Sunday's worship service. Again I've run into one of the weirdnesses of modern grassroots church.

In 1779, John Newton wrote "Amazing Grace," a hymn that's become one of the most beloved in our language. It's got seven verses and is usually sung to the hymn tune "New Britain."

In 2001, Todd Agnew took three of those verses, published them to the same hymn tune, and added two words to the end of the first verse (which mess up the rhyme scheme) and a 17-word chorus with a new melody. Now it's a new song with his name at the top: "Grace Like Rain."

It seems unfair to Newton—at the very least. And Agnew isn't the only one to pull this trick.

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