Saturday, August 29, 2009


I went shopping in Mansfield last night. It was like visiting a cancer ward.

One stop was Office Max, for school supplies. There were four customers and two employees in the store. The woman ahead of us in line was buying a laptop computer, and I guess I should be pleased (after all, it was probably the only one they would sell this week), but it did take a while. The cashier seemed to still have her training wheels on. Apparently they just weren't used to selling anything that expensive.

Forward to Macy's to get an umbrella. Two customers were in the men's department (and the other obviously wasn't serious), so I had the undivided attention of the sales lady, who spent a good fifteen minutes showing me the finer points of the merchandise.

Forward to dinner. Jared wanted Chinese, and I wasn't too keen on that idea, so a food court seemed like it would work. Nope. The Richland Mall Food Court only has two eateries left: Chuckie Cheese Pizza and a forlorn Chinese booth (at least Jared got what he wanted). The food had obviously been prepared a long time ago, and there were only two things to choose from.

It was all really depressing. I feel as if I should take a tax deduction on everything I spent there for "charitable contribution."

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