Monday, March 18, 2019

Sick day

Today (Monday) I finally took a sick day. My sister said, "You never do that!" True, but I had a pretty good fever on Sunday, so I cancelled. Today it's mainly aches and a cough. Hope I'm back together by Wednesday.

Today, with some distance on the thing, I began pondering the teaching ministry of St. Matthew's. Adult Sunday School never happened. I suggested it several times, but the response was that (a) everyone is over 80 and it's asking a lot just to get them to church by 10, and (b) many of them are out of here like a bullet out of a gun with the last hymn, and besides, you couldn't do a lesson after coffee hour! I have noticed, though, that Lenten evening lessons were well received, so it's not a universal allergy.

There's been a children's Sunday school, off and on, for years, but apparently the focus is entirely on getting them up to speed on the Sunday liturgy.

One result is a real biblical illiteracy. I remember when someone handed a Bible to a Vestry member and asked her to read something from Mark. She was totally lost. Had no idea where to find it.

I think this is the fruit of Bishop Spong. If one believes the Bible is a bunch of foolishness, why make it a centerpiece of the church's teaching?

So why did I stay? Well for one thing, there is Bible spread all through the morning liturgy; it's not like Grace Fellowship, where the Bible reading was "my favorite three verses that I read a couple of weeks ago anyhow." For another, in spite of Kay's personal attacks, I did get three or four chances a year to preach or teach. I really did think I could improve things, though my preaching was almost always on "Morning Prayers" days when only 18 people would show up.

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