Monday, December 21, 2009

Really cooking

Did cooking marathon today. I promised to take a meal to a church family (recently out of hospital), and it just sort of got away from me. Of course the church family is getting my usual—an enormous pot of fairly mild chili. And that's not much of a meal, so I made some wheat bread to go with it. One loaf is about as much trouble as two, so I made a loaf to take over to Joel and Heidi, just recently back in town from South Carolina. And a meal really needs a dessert, so I threw together some chocolate chip cookies from a mix. Then I realized that I had nothing for my own lunch, so it was time to boil some pasta and throw some basil pesto on top.

The poor stove doesn't know what hit it. It's been working hard from about 9:30 to 2 p.m. And that's not even counting Jared's three loaves of bread and my pan of brownies for the church Christmas party on Saturday.

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