Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's Spring!

Most of the snow is gone!

The first crocuses (croci?) are up.

I heard a dove today.

I think I'll survive.

1 comment:

  1. One would hope that you do more than survive, thrive.

    I often wonder why so many people do what they think "ought" to be done instead of what they want to be done? Unless their is a moral/legal imperative against something, why not do it? If you can do something, why not do something that makes you happy?

    Perhaps the root lies in our subconscious breeding, a strange mix of the protestant work ethic, Victorian stoicism, and the general working-class idea of life-as-suffering. Although I do believe in a life of some restraint, why be miserable?

    That said, I think my camera and a new paintball gun are calling me. After all, it is my day off.
