Friday, June 4, 2010

Did it again

I can't claim total responsibility for this one. Yet again the church has sent out a really complete questionnaire and I responded with a LONG answer. Then I added a page. Then I write a two-page letter to the elders. Well it's their fault. They asked for my opinion.

I guess I'm ultimately very passive about church stuff. I assume that everyone else is going to start something and I'll join in. That really goes against my personal philosophy—at least what I say about it.

OK. So what would I like to see and by when? (Music from The Man of LaMancha: "To Dream the Impossible Dream" fades in). How about, for starters, a small group?
  • Not necessarily a therapy group and certainly not meeting to flog the latest pop psychology or political fad.
  • Fun, food.
  • Interesting and thoughtful
  • Accepting, even if you're liberal, intellectual, gay, or unmarried (demogrpahics that haven't done too well in this church)
  • Maybe even interested in doing stuff outside the meeting times and (gasp!) becoming friends
The main obstacle I can think of is strategic. The only leader I can think of at the moment is me. I think I've finally overcome the stigma of being The Divorced Guy. (Most of the church can't even remember me being married. After all, that was 15 years ago.) But I've been truly marginalized here, so I don't know anyone to invite. And I live in an apartment. House-livers are (I've been told repeatedly) frightened of going to an apartment. They think they are walking into a tenement and will get knifed in the hallway. I should keep my eyes and ears open, though, and perhaps try to invite someone over. Wonder who.

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