Friday, February 18, 2011

Fried Nerves

I've been battling the Internet (and particularly the IT departments at two different schools) for the last couple of days. My nerves are shot. I'm at a point where almost everything makes me angry—whether the anger makes any sense or not.

I don't think I'll say much about the anger, except that ordinary operations that should have been easy and time-saving have become very difficult, convoluted things and the IT departments usually tell me that the malfunction is my problem.

Side bonus thought: Nearly every error message that you run into and nearly every IT person you encounter is trying to save face for the computer world and shift the blame. Example: My Barnes & Noble Nook stopped connecting with the Internet. After digging through some blogs and FAQ files, I learned that the error message means that something went wrong with my credit card and that the solution is to un-register and re-register the Nook. OK, the procedure worked, but:
  1. The procedure has nothing to do with credit cards. My credit card information wasn't even part of the operation.
  2. The guilt-inducing message makes me think that B&N found out that I'm a deadbeat.
  3. And it's certainly not their fault! The fact that this is a very common glitch has nothing to do with them!

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