Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Random Stuff

More than Ultimate?
I parked next to a Mercury Grand Marquis Ultimate Edition today. What will they do for an encore? What will they do if they make a car that is better? "Ultimate Edition Plus"? Maybe there is a good reason that some cars just have numbers and not evocative names.

I fear for my hair
Got a haircut yesterday at a place my regular hair person refers to as a "chop shop." I came quite close to leaving before the big event though—all the women seemed to be sisters. All were overweight (the impression wasn't helped by their identical black nylon smocks). All had dark hair in the "bedhead" style (which looks to me like too much oil and too little shampoo). All had Mimi Bobeck eye shadow (in different colors: green, blue, pink). I asked myself whether I could trust my head to these people.

Opera in my life
So friend Joel is now back in South Carolina. I'm still in an opera mood and have been listening nonstop to the Kevin Kline version of Midsummer Night's Dream which, as you remember, has almost nonstop Italian opera. I've got it circling through my head.

Wallace and Gromit
I wrote some checks this morning and finally figured out what online bill-paying is like. Wallace and Gromit. Remember the episode in which he has a motorcycle in his garage and an automatic starter? It's a foot that comes out of the wall and pushes down on the kick-start pedal. How about the shopping trolley that navigates to the corner store to get cheese? It's all in the same category as a half-hour episode with a million dollars in equipment so I can avoid writing a check.

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