Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Time-Saving in the Electronic Age

Sure, I'm a nut on electronic things. That love affair is growing sour.

I didn't flinch when I got the notice from U of Akron that I had to give my students mid-term grades but the computer couldn't handle things, so I had to e-mail them all. One by one.

I'm sort of keeping track of the latest meltdown in electronic bill-paying, and wondering just what I have saved, either in time or in money. As I write (5:00 p.m.) I've been working off and on for 48 hours to get a $305 bill paid. The money has come out of my bank accounts. $305 from FirstMerit and another $305 from Chase. It just didn't go into Toyota. I've already spent something like four hours on this project, and now I'll have to deal with straightening out the mess tomorrow. Maybe another four hours? I can only hope.

My friend Jon Weaver says he refuses to use anything now except a paper check because he doesn't want to deal with the problems. I'm with him on that.

Sometimes the old "tennis shoe network" (just carry it over there) is better, even though it's not so cute and fun.

Last night I spent an hour troubleshooting to get a file to move via Bluetooth from one of my computers to another. I could have just loaded it onto a flash drive. But no. I had to use the fancy thing that took over an hour.

Today I learned my lesson. I needed to pay my Target bill, so I drove to the store, walked in, and wrote a check.

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