Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Idaho and Haiti

We Christians have a fatal attraction to stupidity. At least it seems so.

Putting the best possible face on the attempt by Idaho Baptists to pull (Snatch? Kidnap? The press used terms like "scoop up".) 100+ children from Haiti just after the earthquake:
  • Apparently there was almost no advance planning except a fundraiser.
  • The Christians totally ignored immigration laws of three countries (USA, Haiti, Dominican Republic).
  • The first batch of 33 children were accepted on the say-so of a local pastor—they were assumed to be orphans in spite of the protests of some that they had living parents.
  • The only way to get them adopted to the USA would have involved (at least) some kind of forgery to get the kids papers, etc.
  • Several of the kids claimed that they had been told they were going to a summer camp.
And the faithful back home who are praying for them refer to the problems as "Satanic opposition." Maybe it's not Satan. Maybe God doesn't quite want his followers to get involved in something as high-handed and cruel as this.

Which just raises the question whether an obviously illegal, poorly-conceived, arrogant idea should be pursued in God's name, hoping that the eventual good will cause people to forget how it all came about.

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