Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Life Changes


Put in an application for a full-time permanent-ish job at North Central State College. It's about the same amount of work as I do now, but with less driving and the possibility of health insurance. Do I want to move into a school where the point has always been to find excuses to fail people? Do I want to teach students who all think English is a way for the college to extort more money from them? Will NCSC realize that they were unreasonable to post a job that begins in the middle of the semester? Only time will tell.


I'm less than 24 hours from Jared moving in. I really like him and I'm looking forward to this, but it will be a very difficult change. Suddenly I won't be living just for myself. Suddenly I'll have to keep track of someone else's schedule because he needs me to be in a specific place at a specific time. No more wandering through the house in my underwear before I get coffee made. No more spontaneous decisions to just stay in Akron very late.

Neither one of is us particularly neat by nature, but the clutter of two of us put together will be impossible. I'll absolutely NEED to enforce some order around there.


  1. "because he needs me to be in a specific place at a specific time"

    Perhaps it's time for the man to get a driver's liscence (he is 18). I've helped other not-so-eager men get their's.

  2. Ah but whose car? He has no money and I'm not yet thrilled with the idea of just waving good-bye as mine leaves the parking lot.
