Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Fun Size

One of my students brought in some Easter candy today. I guess that's politically correct--she didn't force it on us or anything. My selection was a "Fun Size" 3 Musketeers bar.

I'm old enough that I remember exactly what the "3" in a 3 Musketeers bar was all about. When I was a kid, the things were huge. For a nickel (OK, I'm really old) we got an enormous candy bar that was some sort of fluffy chocolate stuff with a chocolate covering and two dents in the top. We could separate it into three pieces, one for the kid who bought it and one each for two lucky friends. Now I don't know about you, but for me this defines at least two kinds of fun. What could be more fun than a trio of sticky six-year-olds sharing some candy? Maybe it's a six-year-old with an enormous glob of chocolate, far too big to fit into his mouth in even three bites.

My "Fun Size" candy bar today isn't quite as big as one third of the old one. It's just big enough to pop into my mouth, chew briefly, and swallow. Fun? It's like comparing a bump in the road with a roller coaster. I miss the old one.

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