Monday, April 27, 2009

Springtime in Ashland

We got hit with it big time today. The temperature is 80, the sky is blue, the cherry blossoms are full and fragrant. Cute girls with long blond hair are walking hand-in-hand with tall muscular boys, exchanging a quick, chaste kiss before they must separate to go to class. (No snogging here, and somehow the non-cute people got put in some cupboard today.) It's a scene directly from Pleasantville, except that things are in color. Redbuds are at their peak today.

Even Archway Cookies is back—today's flavor had a lot of cinnamon (you can smell it as you drive up Claremont Avenue). We thought we'd lost them, but (as this Wall Street Journal article says) they came back from bankruptcy, complete with their mascot, Archie. Whatever Archie is.

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