Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Still Obsessing

As I keep wondering what to cut from my budget, I realize just how much money I'm spending due to forgetfulness. I wonder if it's old age finally creeping in. Or does everyone do these things?

July: Went to visit Joel, and didn't stop to think that South Carolina would be warmer than Ohio. Our July temperatures were topping out in the low 70s. Theirs in the upper 90s. Forgot to take shorts with me, so the first stop was Target.

August: Teaching at NCSC meant I had to provide my own computer for PowerPoint slides. Theirs was too infested with viruses to work. So of course, as I left school, I forgot to take my Apple dongle with me. Have to have it to plug into a projector. Cost $20. Got angry enough that I bought two so I'd have a spare for next time (this is the second time in a year I've lost one). And of course, buying one meant I had to go to Legacy Village, have dinner there, and buy something at Crate & Barrel.

September: Got to U Akron and discovered I had left my computer power adapter home. I need to do about six hours of slides, etc., there, so a battery wouldn't quite make it. Actually, a second power adapter isn't such a bad idea, but I wasn't hoping for the Chinese counterfeit that the school computer store sold me. Still, I was out $70.

I'm sure there are other examples, but it's kind of depressing to think about them. I won't use a black umbrella any more because I left a beauty in my car (black carpets) when I sold the last one. Now I make sure I have an umbrella that doesn't match much of anything.

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