Friday, March 20, 2009

Supporting Apple

A few days ago, I bought yet another Apple computer. This makes four of them since September (all on educator's discount):
  1. A MacBook for Anna Allen so she can work on her degree
  2. A MacBook for me a week later because my old iBook quit and I wanted the upgrade rather than simply a repair
  3. An aluminum MacBook for my sister (this wasn't too difficult a sell because she came to Washington intending to buy)
  4. A Mini for our church to do PowerPoints
Yes, I really am going to be one of those tiresome people who tells you in detail that the machines are great. The last straw with the church's old Windows machine was the 30-minute freeze-up to update software when I needed to get in and download eight files. Of all the Windows glitches, that's the most annoying—like a small child who absolutely demands to use the toilet, no matter what else is going on at the moment. All action must stop to attend to his needs. (Oh, I know I could reconfigure all six of the Windows machines I use every week so the update takes place at a more convenient time. But I'm not supposed to do that.)

Anyhow, if you see that Apple Computer is turning a profit, I am the reason, even at a 10% discount.

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